Posts Tagged ‘Norway’

AMR Summer 2011 Update

January 11, 2012 By alteredmoods
in blog, featured
First thing’s first: There has been so much demand for 2DeepSoul’s “THE DEEPNESS” that we have decided we can’t ignore it any longer. We have repressed the record, and it should be back in record...
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for immediate release malcolm moore plays at fisk&vilt

August 27, 2011 By alteredmoods
in press release
For Immediate Release Malcolm Moore To Play At Fisk & Vilt, 27/08/11 Oslo gets Deep Core Hayward, California, US – August 5, 2011– Fresh on the heels of his surprise visit to about: blank in Berlin on July 23, 2011,...
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for immediate release malcolm moore to play at cafe kaos

August 26, 2011 By alteredmoods
in press release
For Immediate Release Malcolm Moore To Play At Café Kaos, 26/08/11 Oslo gets Deep Core Hayward, California – Fresh on the heels of his surprise visit to about: blank in Berlin on July 23, 2011, Altered Moods Recordings chief...
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