Collective Conversation: Rezkar

Debra Jones-Davis, Altered Moods Recordings’ Director of Marketing & Production, recently took the time to sit down with one of AMR’s artists and have a chat with him about his introduction to the label. Rezenio Kariem hails from South Africa and has been an integral part of the Collective since the early days. The story of his connection with Malcolm Moore and the rest of the crew is the model for how so many of the musicians on AMR’s roster appeared.

Rezenio Kariem (Rezkar): I really love electronic music and I used to make music as a hobby on my computer a few years ago. I never thought it was good enough to be released on a label, let alone put on vinyl, but I kept on doing it as a hobby and started to get better and better at it, but still I never thought it could be something that other people would want to listen to.

Debra: But people *do* like your music. How did that come about?

Rez: I used to download a lot of my mixes on and chat on the message board and that’s where I met people like Malcolm Moore, Estimulo, Timo etc., where we would discuss anything and everything.

Debra: Then you made connections… and people started listening. How did you finally get recorded?

Rez: One day I sent Malcolm links to a couple of my tracks I had uploaded just for fun, and to my surprise he was quite impressed with some of them. He told me he was going to start a deephouse record label and asked me if I would like to be a part of their first ever 12″ double vinyl release called “Love, Lost and Found.” To be honest I didn’t really know what that really meant at first, but it soon became clear that I was becoming a part of [a] team of electronic musicians that really took what they did very seriously and had a deep passion for their art.

Debra: And that’s how you came to part of the AMR Collective.

Rez: Malcolm gave me a chance that I don’t think many people would have done at the time unless you were already well known in the industry and that’s what I admire about him.

Debra: You like working with AMR?

Rez: It’s not all about the money and the hype, with AMR it’s about the passion for art, deep electronic music that surpasses genres and gives the artist freedom of expression through the medium of electronic music–breaking stereotypes and welcoming new talent all around the world, each with a unique style and flavor.

Debra: So you’re going to keep on doing this?

Rez: Three vinyl releases later and AMR is still planning on releasing two more vinyls by me later this year and many other artists are having their music released on a regular basis, what more could one ask for?

Photograph by Marsel van Oosten

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