emerald cities project
After the smash hit release “Thunder” by Chicago Skyway, Altered Moods Recordings took an unplanned hiatus. We are now back and making our mark once again with a long-planned, two-tracker vinyl joint for the floor called “The Emerald Cities Project.”
AMR’s 27th release features a barnstormer of a track by the legendary John Heckle (of Mathematics Recordings, Tabernacle Records, and M>O>S Recordings) that is sure to light up clubs everywhere. Its big, fat, analog bassline combined with take-charge leads and rising melodies is a floor-filler. “Emerald 66” is six minutes of dancing bliss with its in-your-face snares, claps, and tambourines.
Malcolm Moore works the flip side with “Way Of The City”, an affair that starts out muted but quickly expands into a drum-filled frenzy. A break in the action gives dancers a moment to catch their breath before the acid onslaught continues in earnest in the second half.